News 2006
latest updates: December 28th 2006
December 28th 2006
American Champion
Søren goes BOW and recieved his fourth major.
Judge: David Miller , USA
December 11th 2006
We did it again!
Olivia is Topwinning Afghanhound in Sweden 2006
Albin is Topwinning male
(last year Figge was Topwinning Afghanhound and Olivia Topwinning bitch)
Olivia and Albin in Hagaparken July 2006
December 9th 2006
Huge congratulations to Figge's daughter Ch. Abica's Mustang Sally
BOB and Swedish Winner 2006
at the KC Show "Hund 2006" in Stockholm
Judge: Lisbeth Mach, Switzerland
November 30th 2006
Huge congratulations to Figge's son Ch Abica's Marquis De Sade
Afghan of the year in Denmark,
Danish Breedwinner (Kennelclub) of the year
Topwinning Sighthound in Denmark
November 27th 2006
New pics on Albin, offspring Boxadan
November 25th 2006
Lots of Congrats to
Scaramis Like Vanilla Ice
BOB and BIG#3
Jyväskylä INT KC Show
©Kennel Scaramis
Judges: Breed, Karl-Erik Johansson, Sweden
Group, Soile Bister, Finland
November 22th 2006
Happy Birthday
Ch Xciting Xtravagant Creation
6 y.o.
November 19th 2006
Lots of Congrats to
Albins brother
Ch Shake Down At Night "Shakk"
Owners: E,K Flathagen,Norway
Breeder: Åge Gjetnes, Lier Norway
Philadelphia, USA
Shakk also gained his American Champion titel
November 12th 2006
Wold Dogshow 2006 in Poznan, Poland.
We have had a great weekend with lots of afghans and great company.
Both Figge and
Olivia did very well in tough competition with
topwinning dogs from several countries.
Ch Xciting Xtravagant Creation 3´d in championclass out of 25 (Martha Heine D)
Ch Gengala Just Like That 5´th in championclass out of 12 (Thomas Jakkel)
Thank you all for all the support around the ring and all the great words about Figge and Olivia.
The show and the showground was very well organized and it was really worth a visit
November 05th 2006
Søren goes BOW and recieved his first major.
Kenilworth Kennel Club, Connecticut, USA.
"Søren" Boxadan Never Look Back
Owner: Anna and Ben Franzoso, USA
October 16th 2006
Sighthound Specialty Aars, Denmark
"Albin" CH Waiting On A Sunny Day
Albin also gained his Danish Champion titel
Judge: Breed/BIS Bjørg Foss, Norway
Wilma WB, at the AHCA National Spec. 2006
Wilma was bred by Jangels, Jana Flybring and Bo Grönblad, the proud owner is Jenn Nordlund.
October 07th 2006
Sundsvall Int KC show
BOB, Group #2
"Albin" CH Waiting On A Sunny Day
Judge: Breed Karl-Erik Johansson, Swe
Group:Tuula Plathan, Finland
October 03rd 2006
New pics on Bob offspring ,Mossbawhill.
October 02nd 2006
We visited the AHCA 70th National Specialty in Lancaster Pennsylvania, we didn´t bring any of our own dogs, but Elisabet handled CH Jangels No-Fool-Ing "Wilma".
Wilma was very succesful, on her first trip to USA she ended up as Winners Bitch at the National over 116 bitches.
Judge:Mrs Romayne Strilka-Switch, USA
At the Valley Forge Kennel Club Show in Kimberton, Wilma got Best Of Breed under Mrs. Carol Esterkin, USA.
Wilma returned home to Waxholm, Sweden with 7 points in her luggage.
We, Elisabet/Sven, also spent one day of touristing in Washington DC. Wilma wasn´t very intrested in all the Memorials but all other tourists were very intrested in her, there will be lots of photos of Wilma around the world.
Wilma was bred by Jangels, Jana Flybring and Bo Grönblad, the proud owner is Jenn Nordlund.
We are also proud of Albins son and Rubens litterbrother "Søren" Boxadan Never Look Back.
September 01 2006
New pics on Beo offspring (Macawe)
New pics on Olivia from Norrköping Int KC Show
August 31 2006
New pics on Beo offspring (Macawe)
New pics on Albin
New pics on Zac
August 23 2006
New pics on Albin offspring
New pics on Beo offspring
New pics of Bob offspring
August 21 2006
Albin has got his first Champion kid.
Lots of Congrats to
"Vanilla" Scaramis Like Vanilla Ice and her Finnish Champion title.
August 20 2006
Norrköping Int KC show
BIS Puppy
"Ruben" Boxadan Never Ending Storm
BOB, Group #2
"Albin" CH Waiting On A Sunny Day
"Olivia", Ch Gengala Just Like That
Judge: Breed/Group, Hans Lehtinen, Finland
BIS Puppy: Hans Rosenberg, Sweden
August 19 2006
Nyköping Int KC show
BOB, Group#1
"Olivia", Ch Gengala Just Like That
Judge: Elisabet Janzon, Sweden
August 12 2006
Lots of Congrats to
Albins brother
Ch Shake Down At Night
(Owners: E,K Flathagen,Norway)
BOB, Group #1 and BIG #3
Oslo INT KC-show, Norway - Entry: 30 afghans
Judge: Annika Ulltveit-Moe, Sweden
Lots of Congrats
Best of Opposite Sex , CAC, CACIB
Ch. Abica's Mustang Sally
Norwegian Winner 2006 & qualified for Crufts 2007
CAC, 2nd Best Male Ch. Abica's Marquis De Sade
Oslo INT KC-show, Norway - Entry: 30 afghans
Judge: Annika Ulltveit-Moe, Sweden
August 13 2006
Lots of Congrats
"Søren" Boxadan Never Look Back
and owners.
This weekend he got his first point on his way to The American Championship, only six month old.
Owner: Anna Strömberg, USA
August 06 2006
Nat. KC Show in Svenstavik
BIS Puppy
"Ruben" Boxadan Never Ending Storm
BOB, Group #3
"Albin" CH Waiting On A Sunny Day
BOS, Zhaqqari Fade T´Black
Owners: Lena Edström/Lena Johansson
CAC and 3rd Best Male
"Frank" Tash Kurgan Final Countdown
Judges: Breed/Group, Bitte Ahrens, Italy
BIS Puppy, Lilian Jonsson, Sweden
August 01 2006
July 29th 2006
The Sighthound Club Show in Mariefred, "The Gripsholm Summer Show"
"Ruben" Boxadan Never Ending Storm
BIS #3 Puppy
BOS Puppy, Khaos Binnowee
Owner: Christina Lundström Roseen, Khaos
Judges: Breed Iveta Vojtekova, Gandamak, Czech Republic
BIS: Jackie Bourdin, France
"Olivia", Ch Gengala Just Like That
Best Bitch #2
Judge:Helene Gibson, Karakush, Australia
July 29th 2006
Afghan Speciality in Mariefred, "The Gripsholm Summer Show"
"Olivia", Ch Gengala Just Like That
Best Bitch #3
"Figge, Ch Xciting Xtravagant Creation
Best Male #2
Judges: Males, Helene Gibson, Karakush, Australia
Bitches, Iveta Vojtekova, Gandamak, Czech Republic
July 23th 2006
Mäntsälä, FIN Nat KC show
"Albin" CH Waiting On A Sunny Day
BOB, Group#1
and also
gained the Finnish Champion titel.
Judges: Breed, Henrik Johansson, Sweden
Group, Tuula Savolainen, Finland
July 20th 2006
Albin offspring page is updated
Albin offspring page is updated
New photos of Ruben
July 17th 2006
Olivia in Hagaparken July 2006
July 16th 2006
Högbo Int KC show
BOB, Group#2
"Olivia", Ch Gengala Just Like That
©Carina Ekwall
Judge: Breed: Stephanie Rickard, Australia
Group: Åke Cronander, Sweden
July 15th 2006
Högbo Int KC show
BOB, Group#2
"Olivia", Ch Gengala Just Like That
"Albin" CH Waiting On A Sunny Day
Judges: Breed: Åke Cronander, Sweden
Group: Carol Reisman, USA
July 15th 2006
Högbo Int KC show
"Bob" Ch Airescot Bob Fest
Airescot Royal Romance
Owner:Marie Magnusson
Judge: Breed: Åke Cronander, Sweden
July 14th 2006
Högbo Int KC show
"Albin" CH Waiting On A Sunny Day
BOB, Group#3
"Olivia", Ch Gengala Just Like That
Judges: Breed: Carol Reisman, USA
Group: Torbjörn Skaar, Sweden
July 06th 2006
Albin offspring page is updated
July 02th 2006
Visby Nat. KC Show
"Albin" CH Waiting On A Sunny Day
BOB, Group#2
Rydbergs Cinzanorancio
Owner: Tina Rydberg
Judges: Breed: Henrik Johansson, Sweden.
Group: Monique Van Bremdt, Bel.
July 01 th 2006
Borås Nat. KC Show
"Olivia", Ch Gengala Just Like That
wins her second straight
BIS Veteran
Judges: Breed: Sammi Willson, GB
Group: Ray Barter, Australia
June 19th 2006
Figge offspring page uppdated
June 18th 2006
We have had an fantastic weekend, first of all
"Olivia", Ch Gengala Just Like That
Specialty BIS
at the Swedish Afghan Hound Club Show in Tångahed.
Judge: Mr Ray Barter, Kennel Satang, Australia.
© Magnus Moritz
BOS Khafka´s Just Another Blond owned by Pernilla Wistad and Magnus Moritz.
Lots of Congrats to
EurJW-04 Dk S Ch Abica Marquis De Sade
(a Son of Figge)
(Owners Kennel Abica and Gitte Hansen)
wins 2 BOB
BOB and Cacib in Denmark, june 17th.
Judge: Mr J Leiviska, Finland
BOB and CACIB in Avesta, Sweden, June 18th.
Judge : Mr M Hagstedt, Sweden
Lots of Congrats to
Albins brother
Ch Shake Down At Night
(Owners: E,K Flathagen,Norway)
BOB, Group #1 and BIS #5
at The Norwegian KC Show in Drammen
Judge: Breed and Group, Jackie Jackson
BIS, Maria Kovikes
June 11th 2006
Vänersborg Nat. KC Show
BOS and BIS Veteran
Lots of Congrats to
BOB and BIG #3
EurJW-04 Dk S Ch Abica Marquis De Sade
(a Son of Figge)
(Owners Kennel Abica)
Judges: Breed/Group: Lotte Jörgensen, Denmark
BIS Veteran: Rajko Rotner, Slovenia
June 10th 2006
Lots of Congrats to
Xciting Xtra Xtra
BOS at the SAFA Show in Helsinki (entry 160)
(a litterbrother to Figge)
Breeder: Britt-Marie & Carina Ekwall, Sweden
Owner: Anne Lylymäki & Ari Roito, Jermuntie, Finland
June 6th 2006
Bob offspring page is updated
May 30th 2006
Today we recieved the confirmation of Albin´s International Champion title.
May 28th 2006
Norrköping Nat. KC Show
BOB and BIS #4
Group judge: Hans Lehtinen, Finland.
BIS judge: Dr Göran Bodegård, Sweden.
"Albin" CH Waiting On A Sunny Day
Judges: Breed: Per Lundström, Sweden.
Group: Hans Lehtinen, Finland.
BIS: Dr Göran Bodegård, Sweden.
May 28th 2006
Norrköping Nat. KC Show
second Best Male.
Judge: Hans Lehtinen
May 26th 2006
Flashing News from Virginia, USA
CH Amiyat Anakin, was Best of Winners at the AKC, Langley KC All Breed show, Hampton, Virginia USA Show today. He recieved another 3 point Major,
Lot´s of Congrats to the Hagforsen family and breeder Eva Andersson.
Judge was Mrs Bettie L. Krause, USA
Elisabet winning BOB with CH Amiyat Anakin
at the
San Angeles Saluki Clubs 31st Speciality show in LA, California.
He defeated 81 salukis.
Judge was Mr Norman H Corbett, Spain.
May 25th 2006
Bob offspring page is updated
Beo offspring page, updated.
Ruben´s page, updated
May 21th 2006
RUBEN, 4 month, the 22th of May.
May 20th 2006
Hässleholm, Int KC Show
BOB and group #3
"Albin" CH Waiting On A Sunny Day
Judge: Dr Göran Bodegård , Sweden
May 19th 2006
We just recieved a mail from the owners of CH Amiyat Anakain, he got Winners dog today in Cortez, Colorado and another 3 point Major. (Tot 13 point´s),
We hold our thumbs for the future. (two more to go).
Well the showyear has just started, but still... currently
#1 Afghan in Sweden 2006
Ch Gengala Just Like That
With co-owners like Madde and Percy, it´s no problem to leave the country.
May 19th 2006
We are back home after a fantastic week in California.
Here are some highlights from the journey.
The Judges (Nenne Runsten and Elisabet), relaxing in Santa Barbara, May 17th 2006.
CH Hallams`s Beekenkhons Ra Qena
Elisabet winning BOB with CH Amiyat Anakin
Saluki Special in Los Angeles May 12th 2006.
"Stormhill´s Star Studded", Best in Sweep´s and Reserve Winners dog
Shoreline Show May 14th 2006.
Best Opposite in Sweep´s "Kamy Final Fantasy"
Shoreline Show May 14th 2006.
Winners Bitch "Cavu Wild´n Naughty Nites"
Shoreline Show May 14th 2006.
Best of Winners "Shenandoah Pistolero"
Shoreline Show May 14th 2006.
BOB and group #2 "CH Thaon`s Travertine"
Shoreline Show May 14th 2006.
May 14´th
Afghanhound Specialty Bosjökloster
Ch Gengala Just Like That
May 8th - 18th 2006
Today we are leaving for The Sunny California and "The Hound Classic",
this time without dogs.
May 7th 2006
Skara Nat. KC Show
BOB and Group #2
BIS Veteran #3
Judges: Breed/Group: Björg Foss, Norway
BIS Veteran. Jesper Andersson, Sweden
May 4th 2006
Congrats to !!!!!
Mossbawnhill stand By Me ( ROZA).
by Multi Ch Airescot Bobfest
ex. Collooney Mamma Mia
This weekend she has Won her first Green Star points towards her Irish Championship Title & Then BOB
Owner: Claire Graham,
Lots of Congrats "Kate", Tash Kurgan Lady Nevermore and to your Croatian Champion titel.
Kate took 3 CC in a row last weekend.
She is 16 months, old and her proud parents are Anthon and Titiyo
May 2nd 2006
Take a look at Ruben´s pedigree
April 30th 2006
Today we celebrate the arrivel of the spring in Sweden with bonfires and fireworks.
Sammy (soon 9 years) is celebrating with a new spring look.
April 28th 2006
Take a look at Ruben´s page, our new family member
April 27th 2006
Albin, Offspring page, uppdated.
April 27th 2006
Congrat´s to
Mandy, Scaramis Li´l Bit Special.
(Ch Waiting On A Sunny Day / Multi Ch Scaramis Hello Dolly)
Owner: Marianne Keto, Finland
Junior Afghan of The Year in Finland 2005
Albin, Offspring page, uppdated.
Mars 22th 2006
Bob has become the proud father of eight (3+5) pups.
The happy mother is Sally, Twyborn Blue Skies
Breeder, Stefan Hagstedt, Kennel Lawton, Stockholm.
Mars 19th 2006
Malmö Int. KC Show
BOB and Group #3
Judges: Breed: Barbka Novak, Slovenia. Group: Rita van Mechelen, Belgium.
©Lars Durehed
Mars 10th 2006
Congrats to Bob´s daughter, Mossbawnhill She’s Eleqtric at Salutini
Special Puppy Bitch, (entry of 17), and BOS Special Puppy at the Crufts Show 2006.
Mars 06th 2006
Albin Offspring page, uppdated.
February 25th
Sighthound Specialty Köping
"Albin" CH Waiting On A Sunny Day
©Birgitta Strömberg
CH Jangel´s No-Fool-Ing
Breeder Judge: Björg Foss, Norway
February 21th
Figge offspring page, uppdated.
February 20th
Beo offspring page, uppdated.
February 17th
Fred and Rufus pages, updated.
February 12th
Sighthound Specialty Skara
"Albin" CH Waiting On A Sunny Day
Breeder Judge: Vlatislav Vojtek,(Kennel Gandamak), Slovakia.
February 8th
"Sammy" Ch New Fashion Royal Academy is invited to the Veteran of Veterans Show
"Figge" Ch Xciting Xtravagant Creation is invited to the Champion of Champions Show
Saturday April 15th at the Grand Hotel in Stockholm
January 24th
Today we celebrate Frank on his 1 year birthday.
Frank, mars 2005
January 22th
Albin has become the proud father of six (4+2) pups at Kennel Boxadan.
The happy mother is Sally, Boxadan Let Them Talk.
January 21th
January 12th
"Beo", Sportingfield B & W Airescot has become the proud father of six (3+3) pups,at Kennel Airescot .
The happy mother is "Taksi", Ch Collooney Winner Takes It All,
For early pictures go to Taksi' s page.
Figge is #5 Topwinning Dog of all Breeds in Sweden! Agria Cup, Årets Hund 2005.
The prize ceremony took place in Gothenburg January 7th at the
©Bodil Bergqvist/GP
During the last decade our Afghanhounds has gained the following placings on the list of "Topwinning Dog of all Breeds in Sweden"
#11 Ch Yesterday Today and Tomorrow, Fred
#1 Ch Gengala Been There, Harry
#8 Ch Xciting So Far So Good, Anthon
#7 Ch New Fashion Royal Academy, Sammy
#5 Ch Punapaulan Jalna, Jalna
#5 Ch Xciting Xtravagant Creation, Figge
January 8th
My Dog Gothenburg Int. KC Show
BOB and Group #2
Judges: Breed/Group: Zatra Zirik, Israel
January 8th
Figge and his proud owners.
January 3th
New photo on Frank